BABEL FAST opened its 12th edition. As Board Member and representative of KulturForum Europa, Dieter Topp was invited to give...
dieter topp
Tomorrow's festivals mean immersive technology, sustainability and holistic well-being. Festivals are popular events that focus not only on theatre, music...
From the premiere of „Disappearing" at the "Sava Ognyanov" Theatre in Ruse, Bulgaria The story of the Romanian-German writer Elise...
Premiera spectacolului „Dispariții” la Teatrul „Sava Ognyanov” din Ruse, Bulgaria Povestea scriitoarei româno-germane Elise Wilk „Dispariții”, vorbește despre o familie...
George Orwell is best known for two novels, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, both of which were published toward the...
Femeia marii, Regia Horatiu Mihaiu Theatre from Sfantu Gheorghe's IBSEN version offered a well thought-out example to our own...