Oficial Media

Știri din Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, România.

What school lunch looks like around the world

Sweetgreen, un lant de restaurante, a decis să compare ce  mananca elevii la pranz in toata lumea. Ei si-au prezentat cercetarea sub forma unor serii de fotografii ale prânzului tipic pe care il iau copiii la cantina. În cele mai multe locuri este clar că școlile încearcă să dea copiilor o porție sănătoasă de mâncare, dar este fascinant sa vezi abordari diferite, in functie de culturile si climatul din tara respectiva. Poate ca diseara veti știi ce sa gatiti urmasilor dumneavoastra!

Sweetgreen, a set of restaurants, decided to compare what school children eat for lunch around the world. They presented their research in the form of a series of photographs of the typical lunch kids are given in the cafeteria. In most places, it’s clear that schools try to give kids a portion of healthy food, but it’s fascinating to see the different approaches various countries take depending on their culture and climate. Maybe this will give you some idea of what to feed your own offspring tonight!



Fish on arugula, pasta with tomato sauce, caprese salad, baguette, grapes.


Steak, carrots, green beans, cheese, fresh fruit.

South Korea

Fish soup, tofu over rice, kimchi, fresh vegetables.


Fried popcorn chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, fruit cup, chocolate-chip cookie.


Baked chicken over orzo, stuffed grape leaves, tomato-and-cucumber salad, fresh oranges, yogurt with pomegranate seeds.


Pea soup, beets, carrot salad, bread, pannakkau (dessert pancake), fresh berries.


Sautéed shrimp, brown rice, vegetables, gazpacho, fresh peppers, bread, orange.


Pork with mixed vegetables, black beans and rice, salad, bread, baked plantains.

Source: brightside.me

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