Oficial Media

Știri din Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, România.

My tree’s forest – a theatrical journey through human emotions

Aleksandar Ivanovski, already friend of Tony Bulandra Theatre since several years ago, is in the Babel Festival, VIIth edition. He directed the “Three Sister” show by Chekov and participated at the previous editions of the Festival, in 2016 making one of the workshops for the Babel Fast volunteers.

Today, on 3rd of June, from 9 p.m. in Sala Studio of Tony Bulandra Theatre, takes place the show “My tree’s forest” by Sasho Dimoski, a North of Impact Theatre Company’s production, in co-production with NT JHK Dzinot, Macedonia and the artistic direction signed my Aleksandar Ivanovski.

We met Aleksandar in the Sala Mare of Tony Bulandra Theatre, just before starting the welcoming show of the Festival, “The Fire Bird”. About the concept, text and the artistic direction of his last production, we pleased the director Aleksandar Ivanovski to give us more details. It is going to be an artistically moment full of emotion for those from the hall. More details forward.

It is a small show, with an actor and a compositor from Macedonia, the one who will be interpreting the live music on the scene. The original story is a link between several texts, quite different, one from Bernard Marie Koltes, “The night just before the forest” and the actual text, that is in the show, a text from a contemporary writer from Macedonia, Sasho Dimoski.

I started to do independent productions and to collaborate with the ones from North of Impact Theatre Company. Is the first show that we make together. Is a story that tells about the things that we consider important at the social level in the world, like migration, the people’s movement. It is about a men that goes in his last trip toward a forest, there where one goes to give up the ghost next to his tree. It is a retrospective odysseys of the emotions through the life of this character, through his childhood, through his love, through what he had lost, to the end of his life.

It is simply like a theatrical visual trip, through this beings, through this emotions, through this memories about him. It is an emotional journey told through the body of an actor and by the sounds created by the composer that makes the music with the help of the objects that he finds around, like wood pieces, a pipe or other element, and creates in this way a differently music instrument, made by all these sounds.

The visual aspect is also very important because there is no artificial light, the public will receive lanterns, like some torches and they will be actually the ones to put the light on the actor and in the show. They are also in this journey, in the dark forest, to watch the story of the character. This is a theatrical experiment, a theatrical journey, an exchange between the public and the show, not only to see the feelings of the character but also the way the people is receiving, in this way we could see how the spectators react. With these lights, we will see exactly where the people is watching, we will create a double show because we will see how a spectator sees for real a theatre show. For us is very emotional”, confessed director Aleksandar Ivanovski to us.

Oana Grigore & Cristi Iordache

Translation, Andra Blidarescu

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