Oficial Media

Știri din Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, România.

Scott Johnston – Speech at the end of Babel Fast 2022


Choose to come to Romania
Choose to come to Târgovişte
Choose to travel by Bus, train, plane, bike or scooter
Choose to come from Italy, Korea, all over Romania, choose to come from India, Greece Germany, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Algeria, France, even choose to come from Scotland
Choose the best volunteers
Choose to have a birthday here – multani triasca
Choose Fiord until dawn
Choose kindness, beauty and help

Oficial Media - Scott Johnston - Speech at the end of Babel Fast
Oficial Media – Scott Johnston – Speech at the end of Babel Fast/ foto credit Lorena Iordache

Choose to dance like nobody’s watching with someone you’ve never met? choose to paint, choose to act, choose to sculpt.
Choose to be brave enough to speak out, choose to stand with Ukraine, choose to listen to other languages, choose the Language of theatre, choose limbaj
Choose Liviu Ranin and Vera
Choose to make friends for life, choose to resist and insist and Manifest
We chose to be here
We chose Babel
We chose to Babel up this town!’

Scott Johnston, Director & Professor at Edinburgh College, Scoția

Citește și:

Scott Johnston: ”un actor nu poate trăi din cioace.” Interviu @OficialMedia

Check the romanian version: https://oficialmedia.com/scott-johnston-discurs-la-finalul-festivalului-babel/

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