Oficial Media

Știri din Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, România.

Jeung-Woo Son, President of The Korean Theater Association: The Babel Festival it is a space for meaningful communication and exchange

Jeung-Woo Son, President of The Korean Theater Association, member în Board Festival, sent a message at the opening of the 12th edition of the Babel in Targoviste. The president emphasized that the meetings between artists from various corners of the world, between the public and the performances, between students and volunteers, made the Babel Festival become a space where essential and profound exchanges take place.

„Dear Artists participating in the 2024 Babel Festival,

As the representative of Korean theater professionals, it is a great honor to welcome you and extend my heartfelt congratulations.

The Babel Festival is not just a platform for showcasing performances; it is a space for meaningful communication and exchange.

It serves as a conduit for the creation of new visions and ideas through interactions between artists, audiences, and between cultures, races, and religions.

At this Babel Festival, I anticipate the discovery of new opportunities and challenges as we experience and share each other’s unique art and culture.

Lastly, I would like to express my profound respect for Mr. Ranin and all the festival staff members, who made this wonderful festival. Thank you.”

Jeung-Woo Son,
President of The Korean Theater Association


Citește și:

Jeung-Woo Son, Președintele Asociației Teatrelor din Coreea de Sud: Prin Festivalul Babel împărtășim arta și cultura unică a celuilalt

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Livada de vișini în regia lui Jeungwoo Son la Teatrul Tony Bulandra Târgoviște

Mc Ranin, copreședintele Uniunii Intercontinentale a Teatrelor, AMASIA, alături de echipa Teatrului Tony Bulandra se află în Coreea la a 41-a ediție a Festivalului Teatrelor

Mihai Constantin Ranin – Historical meeting today, in Targoviste. AMASIA – Union of Intercontinental Festivals

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