Oficial Media

Știri din Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, România.

Dieter Topp, German journalist: I can’t imagine Targoviste without BABEL

BABEL FAST opened its 12th edition.
As Board Member and representative of KulturForum Europa, Dieter Topp was invited to give a welcome note.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues and, above all, dear friends

Today marks the start of the twelfth issue of BABEL.
Twelve is a good number,
I’ve been here a several times and it already feels like an eternity.

Can you imagine Târgovişte without BABEL?
I can’t and I don’t want to.

Connections is the slogan of this year’s performing arts festival. Without connections with each other, with things and people, whether near or far, we would move in an empty, if not airless space and it would be quiet and lonely around us.

Now many will say that we have enough connections, especially on social media, where we are inundated with them.
Of course, especially in this day and age, we need to see through this deluge because many of those we connect with, or think we are connecting with, are false, fake, misleading and manipulative.

BABEL is promoting real, honest and wonderful connections through the medium of theatre over the coming week.
“Theatre and performing arts form a meeting point between worlds that are unsuspected through the connection with different means of expression, each with its history and emotions, each with its nuances and energies”, Mihai Constantin Ranin (President of BABEL FAST and head of Teatrul Tony Bulandra Târgovişte rightly says.

As a representative of the Europe Culture Forum, I have been organising encounters for over 30 years.
This edition of the festival fulfils my idea of networking in a special way.

Romania brings together the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, England, Scotland, Germany, France, Israel, Lithuania, Denmark, Bulgaria, Japan, Finland, South Korea, Ukraine, and even China and Bahrain. …

Without BABEL, it would be quieter here in Târgovişte. So! Let’s make connections in the theatres, in the performance spaces, in the squares, in the streets and after the events in the cafés and restaurants while socialising.

I wish the twelfth edition of BABEL Festival of Performing Arts

a loud

Let’s Babel up This Town.”


@Dieter Topp, Board member in Babel Festival

Photos@Oana Maria Grigore

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