Oficial Media

Știri din Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, România.

Jinyoung Youn – ‘Babel F.A.S.T. must go on forevermore’

After performing ‘San Chak: Life and Love story of Sin Chae Ho’ during Babel F.A.S.T., the Professional Theater Company ‘Sae Byuk’ was surprised backstage by the Oficial Media editors, who congratulated their show and asked them for impressions on the festival.


Check out the interview with Professional Theater Company ‘Sae Byuk’


Jinyoung Youn, the Chief of Daejeon Theater Association Korea (on the right), was kind enough to write a letter to the festival, in which he thanked Targoviste, the people, the staff and Mc Ranin for this experience.



I would like to especially thank Ranin, Liviu and Vera

for their kind efforts

‘Good morning Targoviste! Good morning Babel F.A.S.T.! My name is Jinyoung Youn from South Korea and I am here at Babel F.A.S.T. with theater company Sae Byuk this year.

I know some Korean companies visited this festival in previous years and have presented various dramatic works, and this year, theater company Sae Byuk visited beautiful Targoviste.

Our team actually wanted to go to Russia first, but as you know better than we do, there were some difficulties with that plan. And Mr. Son, the President of the Korea Theater Association, recommended this festival for us, and finally we are here now.

I would like to especially thank Ranin, the director of the Tony Bulandra Theater, Liviu, the selectioner of the festival and Vera, the administrator of the festival. Thanks to their kind efforts, we are able to visit this beautiful city, Targoviste, and this wonderful theater, the Tony Bulandra Theater.



I made some notes for our own festival

The parade was really fantastic and a totally new experience to me. I am in charge of the Daejeon International Theater festival and am always thinking about how to get regular people to participate in the festival, and when I was in the parade, I saw some very interesting scenes from the beginning to the end of the parade and I made some notes for our own festival.

See also: 15 iunie, o zi importantă pentru Teatrul Tony Bulandra și Asociația Teatrelor din Coreea


Babel F.A.S.T. must go on forevermore

The Tony Bulandra Theater and the Korea Theater Association have a very intimate relationship, and the excellent works of Tony Bulandra: Lady Escobar and Not me, will participate in the Daejon International Theater Festival this September.

I am very happy to invite them to our festival. The Tony Bulandra Theater and Korea Theater Association will open new horizons for both organizations from now on.

Now our show is finished. But the show must go on and Babel F.A.S.T. must go on forevermore. Thank you everyone.’


Jinyoung Youn,

Chief, Daejon Theater Association Korea


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