Oficial Media

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MICHAEL JACKSON- Discurs memorabil cu putin timp inainte sa moara

L-am auzit de foarte putine ori, vorbind, pe Michael Jackson de-a lungul carierei, chiar si acesta recunoaste in discursul pe care il tine, ca a preferat sa se exprime prin muzica. Insa era extrem de important ca oamenii sa stie adevarul despre industria muzicala de la nivel international.

Asa cum au profitat toate industriile de pe urma oamenilor, de ce n-ar face-o si Sony Music? Michael Jackson s-a referit la Tommy Mottola, detinatorul Sony Music, sub apelativul ”the devil”.

Tot el a mai spus ca vrea sa arate oamenilor adevarul despre Sony Music si sa vorbeasca despre tot ce inseamna industria muzicala.

Ramane insa o intrebare dura, cine si-a dorit cu adevarat moartea lui Michael Jackson?

Urmariti cu atentie videoclipul!


Michael Jackson Exposes Music Industry Before His MurderMichael Jackson Exposes Music Industry Before His Murder. Rare Video: Michael Jackson Exposes Sony Music Before His MurderIn this rare video the King of Pop Michael Jackson exposes the music industry and reveals secrets about “evil” Sony Music, shortly before his murder in 2009. In this unusual speech Michael Jackson asks members present not to tape him, shortly before talking about the then head of Sony Music Entertainment, Tommy Mottola (referring to him as “the devil”).Michael also reveals what Tommy Mottola’s ex-wife Mariah Carey had said about him after their divorce. and announces that “Sony kills music” in a blistering attack.Michael says that he was planning on taking down Sony Music and exposing the music industry to the wider public – which begs the question: who really wanted Michael dead?

Posted by The People’s Voice on Saturday, October 24, 2015

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