Oficial Media

Știri din Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, România.

Dieter Topp about Babel FAST: “Festivals of tomorrow mean immersive technology, sustainability and holistic well-being”

“From its humble beginnings, this Babel Festival has become a trademark over the years. And the image of your city Târgoviște also benefits from this.”BABEL FAST


Festivals of tomorrow mean immersive technology, sustainability and holistic well-being

‘Festivals of tomorrow mean immersive technology, sustainability and holistic well-being.

Festivals are popular events that focus not only on theatre, music and dance, but also on the intoxicating atmosphere. “Let’s Babel up the Town” can once again lead to unforgettable experiences.

Expanded networks and cooperative concepts make this festival more and more a truly international event in Târgoviște. The Tony Bulandra Theatre and its managers, above all MC Ranin, have been striving for many years to offer quality theatre to the young generation in addition to entertaining plus educational performances.

And I am happy to see how this has been accepted especially by the volunteers. Here, personal contact with actors and theatre-makers plays and essential role.

As representative of the Europe Culture Forum and also as a journalist, I have been coming to the Babel Festival for many years now and take great pleasure in trying to contribute to the positive image of your festival.

From its humble beginnings, this Babel Festival has become a trademark over the years. And the image of your city Târgoviște also benefits from this.

The crew of Tony Bulandra Theatre is going to perform in Korea again in a few days, the Korean theatre partners are already here. There is a wonderful co-production. And this is just the beginning.

I am looking forward to the numerous shows from Bulgaria, Italy, France and many other countries. There are also shows from Romania by excellent directors on the programme.

There are exciting days ahead for you, dear audience, Mr. Ranin and his crew, and for all of us. I am looking forward. I am very much looking forward to it.

And as a Member of the Board, I look especially forward to seeing you, dear audience: Let’s Babel up the town, let’s Babel up Târgoviște, let’s do it all together, now!’

Dieter Topp

Citește și: Festivalul Babel deschide orizonturi mai ample de cunoaștere. Educație și schimb intercultural


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