Last evening at 20:30, at the Royal Court, in Targoviste, took place the opening ceremony of the 16th edition of The European Majorettes Championship (EMC).
Prior to this, at 20:00 was held the parade of the official opening parade of the Championship which was attended by all the majorettes participating in the competition, from 10 of the European countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia and Romania.
The Ceremony was opened by the Mayor, Ciprian Prisacaru, along with the public administrator of the County, Sandu Oprea, Alina Dumbrava- the European Majorettes Championship Director-16th Edition and the team of cheerleaders from Targoviste, in the presence of guests, Alen Scuric-President of the European Majorettes Association and Mihai Kiss- President of Romanian Majorettes Association.
Ciprian Prisacaru, officially opened the European Majorettes Championship by wishing the guests a pleasant stay in our city, a competition with remarkable results for those enrolled in the contest and to return anytime as guests of the Royal Fortress of Targoviste.
“ These days the Fortress of Targoviste has opened its doors for you and we are honored to have you with us today. We are proud that we have been able to develop this project. I hope you spend beautiful days here, have a competition with important results for your and return to your countries with a good impression of our city. I also want to add that after the European Championship we will expect you to return to Targoviste with much pleasure. We have a good team of cheerleaders in Targoviste, but I am sure that all those who are here, are the best ones from your countries. I wish you all good luck and may you go home with the results expected”, said the Mayor.
After the official opening, the surprise prepared by our city to everyone present here was the show “Vlad Voievod Draculea- Return”, a performance attended by all the teams invited and the citizens of Targoviste. The show was produced with the support of the City Hall of Targoviste, Dambovita County Council and the Museum Complex “The Royal Court”.
The protagonists were the great actress Carmen Tanase, the stunt-actor and director Bogdan Jianu, the famous tenor, Vlad Mirita and stuntsmen Adrian Pavlovschi and Cosmin Padureanu. Beside them on the stage near Chindia Tower, have portrayed Liviu Subtirica, Mohamed Jbara, actors of Tony Bulandra Municipal Theater such as Antonia Ionescu, Bogdan Farcas, Ioana Farcas and an entire team of stunts actors called “White Wolves”, who, under the guidance of Bogdan Jianu, realized an artistic and cultural event which honors the Vlach capital.
Today and tomorrow you are expected in the Tricolour Square to support your favorite team during the competiton: pom-pom, baton, mace and show. The favorites are the teams from Romania-pom-pom, Czech Republic-show, France- mace and Croatia-baton.
The European Majorettes Championship will end Sunday, 14th September, 2014, with the announcement of the results and awards, starting at 17:30 in Tricolour Square from Targoviste.
Traducere- Roxana Iordache
”Oamenii ar vrea ca binele să li se întâmple, să li se ofere de-a gata, fără ca ei sa facă ceva pentru el. Ori așa ceva nu se poate! Nimic nu se face fără noi, fără participarea noastră. Starea de bine apare abia după ce am experimentat starea de rău. Abia după ce am văzut ce nu ne place, ce ne doare, ce ne face să suferim, abia atunci înțelegem că nu mai vrem și începem să ne căutam binele. Insă binele îl găsim doar în legatura noastră cu creatorul, cu Dumnezeu.”
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