Oficial Media

Știri din Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, România.

Babel Festival – Workshop with Yu Murai from Japan, KPR Theater

Yesterday morning, immediately after the press conference held at 11.00 am, we retained the Japanese artists for an interview. They later scheduled a workshop at the Studio Hall with volunteers enrolled in the festival.

Surely the band from Japan will remain a pleasant memory for all those who have been involved with it. Just as the first steps on the moon will remain… We discovered from the interview that they really wanted to come to festivals in Eastern Europe, like the Babel Festival in Târgovişte because they knew that the reaction of the audience here is extremely fast and lively.

We noticed that both the stage and the workshop, the director and the actors sought a permanent connection with the audience. Either by look, by questions directly addressed to the audience or a conversation with them since the first line. And at the workshop one of the themes was related to touch and movement. The impact of the costumes on the exercise with the volunteers was a major one, as shown in the video footage.
A beautiful play in which the participants shared joy, excitement, adrenaline and felt like they were on stage. We’ll leave you in the company of the artists from A Space Odissey…
Romanian version HERE.
Traducerea: Lorena Iordache
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