Oficial Media

Știri din Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, România.

Marta Strzalko Theater Biuro Podrozy at BABEL FAST Târgoviste 2023

After the signing of the AMASIA Memorandum as a representative of the theater in Poland, Marta Strzalko was present at the press conference at 11:00 in the lounge of the Tony Bulandra Theater Târgoviște.

“Thank you for this extraordinary introduction, we are very glad that you invited us and I think about the period that has passed since 2007 and last year when we were present at the tenth edition and now again this year”, said the actress and representative of the Biuro Podrozy Theater.

Marta Strzalko Theater Biuro Podrozy at BABEL FAST Târgoviste 2023

“Both the first show that we brought to Târgoviște in 2007 and this one from the current year were inspired or have a theme related to war. This year’s show is related to the conflicts in the Middle East, actually in Syria, what is happening there. It’s a show about a city under siege invaded by warlords. It’s a show about people in dire situations, and when we say people we don’t just mean adults, we also mean children.

Our show has child characters in the form of those dolls you’ve seen. Adults can deal with disastrous situations in some way, but children can’t deal with these types of events and the show is inspired by what happened in Syria, but look: now the subject is actually moved to Ukraine.

And children can be both gentle, they can empathize, but on the other hand they can also be cruel, they can show cruelty depending on what they see in the adults around them .

Check out:

AMASIA – Union of Intercontinental Festivals

We had a fabulous crowd outside, exactly the kind of crowd we want. Aside from festival audiences, theater people,  people who have the culture of going to the theater and people on the street, we had people who happened to be there, who probably don’t normally go to what we call conventional theatre. And this type of mixed audience is what we want.

It’s a challenge for actors to have such a mixed audience, both theater people and normal citizens because it gives a certain flavor to the show. The actor has to engage in some way with such an audience. It’s somehow closer to what Shakespeare probably had at the Globe Theatre.


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